The Green Party of Louisiana is part of an international movement.

Green Party of the United States is a federation of state Green Parties. The GPUS website has links to state party sites, news, and updates on green actions.

GPUS Delegate Voting: National committee voting results and history. See Louisiana delegate voting by clicking here.

Caucuses: There are a number of caucuses organized at the national level, including the Black Caucus, Latinx Caucus, Lavender Greens, Women's Caucus, and Youth Caucus. More information.

Green Parties Worldwide: Compilation of links to Greens around the world.

Here are some groups with a Louisiana focus, or national groups with a Louisiana chapter, which support Green values.

Louisiana Solar Energy Society is an educational organization formed to promote the use of solar energy and to share information on the subject between its members and the public.

Independent Media Center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. Click here to view the New Orleans Indy Media Center.

Deep South Center for Environmental Justice

Equality Louisiana


Gulf Restoration Network

Louisiana Bucket Brigade

Louisiana Center for Children's Rights

Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Louisiana Environmental Action Network

Louisiana Justice Institute

Louisiana Trans Advocates

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

Sierra Club - Delta Chapter

Solidarity Project Advocacy Network

Together Baton Rouge

350 New Orleans is a volunteer climate activist group connecting our region to the international climate change movement led by Based in New Orleans but active in other parishes.